What are the benefits of cardiac rehabilitation?

Patients who follow a cardiac rehabilitation program live longer, have fewer hospital admissions, improve their exercise capacity, their sexual function,
and restore their psychological well-being, overall enhancing their quality of life.

You have made the most important start to returning to a full and quality life.

Research results highlight the critical role of cardiac rehabilitation in improving patients' long-term health and well-being:

  • Better Quality of Life. Nearly 90% 90% of patients who complete a cardiac rehabilitation program report significant improvements in their quality of life.
  • Holistic Benefits. Up to 33% of patients who have suffered a cardiac event may develop some degree of depression, and cardiac rehabilitation has been shown to help mitigate this.
  • Exercise and Heart Health.  Simply engaging in some form of physical activity is better than inactivity, but the benefits increase with more intensive supervised activity.
  • Cost savings Despite the initial investment of time and money, cardiac rehabilitation has proven to cost-effective in the long run for patients due to reduced hospitalizations and the need for medical interventions.

What is preventive cardiac rehabilitation and what are its benefits?

It is no coincidence that the saying "prevention is the best cure" exists. By participating in preventive rehabilitation programs at CardioFit, you strengthen both your body and mind, while avoiding potential future cardiac episodes and problems.

Cardiac rehabilitation with modern methods and safety

ERS is an intuitive and flexible system, which stores the protocol and data and monitors your exercise and how you are doing. and how you react to it.

What to expect from a cardiac rehabilitation program?

We “get to know” you and then accompany you on your journey toward health improvement, monitoring your progress throughout the program.

Your heart is in the right place.